This guide will describe how to download and install Java on your computer. Java is a software platform that is required by some web services. The process below will also apply to those who are using an outdated version of Java and need to upgrade to the latest release.

How to download Java

Follow these steps to download Java:163784_java-logo

  1. From your web browser, go to
  2. From the page that loads, click on Free Java Download (red button)
  3. This will take you to the download page which will automatically select the recommended version of Java based on your operating system and web browser, please click on the button marked Agree and Start Free Download
  4. Your web browser will now have downloaded the file to your computer (most likely in your Downloads folder).

How to install Java

Follow these tips to install Java on your device.

  1. If prompted by your web browser, click Run to begin the installation process
    • Google Chrome users will be able to click on the file as it is listed in the download menu bar at the bottom of their screen.
    • If neither of these options is available, you will need to locate the file in your Downloads folder.
  2. Double click on this file to begin the installation process.
  3. You will now be greeted by a Java Setup window, at the bottom click Install.
  4. Once the installation process has completed you will be prompted with a notice that you have successfully installed Java.
  5. Click Close to finish the process.
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