Review this article to understand the liability of having 1-900 phone numbers unblocked. 1-900 and 1-976 calls connect you to companies that provide a service (for example psychic lines, adult chats, contests, etc.). These calls are billable to your account if they are made from your line, and the cost can be substantial and range from $1 to $15 per minute or more. 

1-900 Number liability

By default, the ability to call 1-900 or 1-976 numbers through your Shaw line is blocked.

Shaw automatically puts a block on your line so that 1-900 and 1-976 calls can't be made from your telephone.

By requesting that Shaw remove blocking of 1-900 and 1-976 dialing you are solely responsible for the use by you and other users, including all calls to 1-900 and 1-976 numbers originating from your telephone(s) regardless of who made them.

To request the removal of the block on 1-900 and 1-976 numbers, please Contact Us or use our self-serve in My Shaw Home Phone features to enable/disable the feature (More info in the Privacy section). Please be advised it may take up to 24 hours for this change to take effect.

Please note that due to technical difficulties, 1-900 calling cannot currently be enabled or disabled on your account. 

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